2145 Suicide Prevention
The Seattle School Board recognizes that suicide is a leading cause of death among youth and suicidal indicators, such as substance abuse and violence, are complex issues that should be taken seriously. While District staff may recognize potentially suicidal youth and can make an initial risk assessment, the District cannot provide in-depth mental health counseling. The Board directs District staff to refer students who exhibit suicidal behaviors to an appropriate service for further assessment and counseling.
District staff who have knowledge of a suicide threat must take the proper steps to support the student and to report this information to the building principal or designee who will, in turn, notify the appropriate school and District officials, the student’s family, and appropriate resource services.
The Board also recognizes the need for youth suicide prevention procedures. The District will adopt and, at the beginning of each school year, provide to all District staff, a plan for recognizing, screening, referring, and responding to students in emotional or behavioral distress. At a minimum, the plan will:
The Superintendent or their designee is authorized to develop and implement procedures to achieve the Board’s goals and objectives.
Superintendent Procedure:
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